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Blog Universität Witten-Herdecke | PPE Conference: Studierende organisieren eine internationale Tagung zu globalen Themen

PPE Conference: Studierende organisieren eine internationale Tagung zu globalen Themen

Forscherinnen und Forscher mit Studierenden vernetzen, ein internationales Netzwerk aufbauen und eine mehrtägige Konferenz stemmen – das sind die Beweggründe des studentischen Organisationsteams, sich dieser großen Aufgabe zu stellen

Auf blog.uni-wh.de gibt das studentische Organisationsteam der PPE Conference 2020 Einblicke in die Hintergründe und Themen der Konferenz. Aufgrund ihres internationalen Charakters berichtet das Team auf Englisch.

What is it like to organise an international conference as students?

Organising the PPE conference is not a task for individuals who like to be solo players, but for a team! We, Ramona, Miriam and Joseph, think that joining the PPE team gives us the opportunity to connect our personal interests in a topic with the practical experience of organising an international academic conference. In fact, focusing in depth on one topic allows us to understand its various facets.

It is also a great chance to work closely with other students and master the challenge together. And above all, it allows us to have an impact on creating a better world, develop soft skills that are going to be very useful for our future careers and basically have an on-the-job training.  

What is the PPE Conference?

The PPE Conference is an international academic conference, taking place annually in Witten. Its topics evolve around the disciplines of Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) .

The conference’s purpose is to connect experts, scholars and students to deepen their knowledge about the chosen topics and to build great networks. It is entirely organised by students, giving them the chance to engage in a professional environment and make an impact.

The topic of the next PPE Conference is “World-Scale Justice: Beyond Global North & Global South?”, and it will take place from 4 to 6 September 2020.

Starting from a discussion about the framings of such a division, cosmopolitan justice issues are then going to be analysed, approaching the Global North and South from different angles, e.g. considering debates about climate change or certain inequalities.

If you are curious about the conference, check https://www.ppe-conference.org/

About Ramona and her motivation

My name is Ramona. I’m 26 and currently studying Philosophy, Cultural Reflection and Cultural Practice in my fifth semester at Witten/Herdecke University. I’m the coordinator of the conference and part of the participant support team.  My passion is to team people up and to share knowledge and experiences with others.

What motivates me the most is the idea of connecting people from all over the world, who share a similar interest in relevant global issues. Moreover, I’m trying to understand why the world is as it is in my studies because I have lived in and visited countries that belong to the so-called “global south”. As an intern I worked for an NGO which focuses on disaster relief that in most cases responds to “global south” countries. Seeing and experiencing global imbalance has raised many questions, which is also why I have chosen my degree programme. This year’s conference topic “World-Scale Justice: Beyond Global North & Global South?” will hopefully help me find possible answers. I really enjoy being able to connect my personal interest in an academic topic with the fantastic experience of leading a team and organising an international conference.

About Miriam and her motivation

My name is Miriam, and I am in the second year of the PPE Master in Witten. I want to understand how our world and especially our society is shaped. What I love about PPE is the possibility to approach the global challenges we face today from multiple perspectives. Politics and economics deal with the status quo, whereas philosophy gives me the possibility to think about how the world should be. And that’s my personal reason for organising the conference. Focusing on  onetopic like Global North/Global South and trying to understand its various, maybe even contradictory facets.

For example, I want to know more about how migration and climate change relate to each other and why we might be in need of borders although there is a humanitarian duty to help refugees. Besides, it is a great chance to gain insight into how to organise such a big event, working closely together with other students and mastering the challenge.

About Joseph and his motivation

I came from Italy to Witten to study PPE in my Master's programme, discover the German culture and meet new, awesome people. Organising the conference is a great opportunity because it allows our team to have somewhat of an impact on making a better world. I believe that an improvement in and sophistication of the knowledge about this year’s topic will help researchers and policy makers to find better solutions to the problems of both the “Global South” and the “Global North”.

I can also learn skills that are very useful in general, like working in a team and prioritising work. I am also learning how to manage the marketing for a non-profit cause, create social media content and release my creativity in hopefully great designs. What I like most about the conference is that learning and discussing happens in different formats, in which participants are not passive listeners but have the chance to actively debate with speakers – an embodiment of the Witten spirit.

Stay tuned to hear more from us and learn about the other conference teams. In the meanwhile, this video will help you immerse yourself into the PPE Conference atmosphere.

About the authors

The content team

The content team consists of five bookworms, committed to dive deep into the chosen topic and structure the conference. We use different formats, such as keynote speeches, workshops and student paper presentations. The content team looks for experts, decides on who to invite and contacts potential speakers.

Our brainiacs enjoy spending hours reading and discussing abstract concepts. But don’t worry! It has been reported that they do actually eat like all humans, between one paper and the other!

Get updated by following us on Facebook and Instagram! We would like to stay in touch with you there, via our website or by email: info@ppe-conference.org

We hope to hear from you soon!

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